Friday, June 1, 2012

Cora, Jessie and Katie 

 Yarn - Starry Night

The kids used yarn to create this famous masterpiece. They became very familiar with the artwork after having spent a few sessions looking carefully at the colors and strokes of paint and trying to use yarn as the medium. The results were beautiful and they learned alot about tone and color by placing the different pieces of yarn next to eachother to achieve gradations of color. At times this was a frustrating task, because it took time and patience, lessons well needed, even in Art making.

Self Portraits using Make Up and Collage

The kids enjoyed this lesson because the idea of using make up as paint was exciting and interesting. People use make up to enhance or change the way they look. And here we used it to create an image of ourselves. It was fun. And mixing it up with collage added some extra self expression. The kids thought about the things that they like and tried to incorporate those elements into their composition. We talked about that, that in Art we should think about composition.
I loved how the pieces did actually capture the essence of the child in a very unique and natural way.




Record Painting to Music 

I went to the local Goodwill and bought old records. The kids Loved seeing the old fashioned discs! Each child got a different musician that I thought would be fairly interesting to them and we played the music of each artist as the kids painted directly on the vinyl. They loved it. Styx, Elton John, classical, The sound of Music....We later moved on to spin art which seemed like a natural progression....