Sunday, October 31, 2010


Its been awhile seen Ive blogged-the summer came and went and workshops began in October. It felt like magic -time - like art - from nothing there is something and that something is amazing. beautiful. interesting. inspiring. kids are natural at this. at magic. they accept that things are whatever you want them to be. and i love this about them. and i love setting up the environment for them so that they can imagine something and then, poof, they can make it happen. Its been fun this month and Im grateful, tremendously happy to have these children come in the studio with me. They inspire me to keep making magic and to remember not to forget....

We began with Drawing-my fav- and Printing-kids' fav. -cause to see your image re-produced again and again is fascinating for them-Sculpting-everyones fav-Magic Wands-we we all need one-Masks-for our alter ego's-and Feeling Boxes, inspired by my friend Randy Gold, a Doctor of Childrens Feelings...this was most interesting as we all discussed where In our bodies our feelings lie-in our stomachs? our legs? our necks? when we feel scared or nervous or angry where does it hurt? The kids were receptive to this notion-they got it-and then they created external boxes to store feelings, so that they dont build up Inside. Fantastic . Thank you Randy.

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