Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I've decided, there will always be a need for a good portrait drawing or painting.

I've thought about this alot because with such amazing photography these days; cool cameras, and lenses and high resolution iphones, people can achieve super creative photos so easily. Kids can use photo booth, and photoshop effects to make very cool images.

But people still react strongly to the expression achieved through a graphite drawing, or a hand made painting. I think it's because it's so raw and real.
The act of drawing comes straight from the brain of the artist.
That's not to say that a good photo portrait can't achieve emotion or raw feeling. I think that it can. I just believe that we still need that old fashioned hand made painting, or drawing in the world, to help us 'see' the emotion behind the subject. Perhaps the 'motion' is the answer, the strokes of the pencil moving around the paper, the paint moving on the surface, capturing

The kids spent some time drawing eachother - to prepare for their self portrait.
We talked about the uniqueness in everyone. I was hoping to get the kids to look at eachothers features rather than to draw the face that they have already become accustomed to drawing.
You know, the standard face, the happy smile, the perfect almond shaped was a challenge. We also looked at some famous portraits. I was hoping that they could see how a painting differs from a photo in many ways. That if you include a hand resting on a cheek, and eyes are looking down, it can show that the person could have been sad, or deep in thought....

I've been looking at my daughter's school picture and thinking that she looks so happy, relaxed, mature, and ready for school in the photo. But I remember that on that day, she was a bit anxious, alittle nervous, and very conscientious about her look. The photo captured quite the opposite of the emotion of my daughter at the time. I wonder if that could even happen with a painting. Could a painter miss the inner feelings of the sitter with a brush? Perhaps, maybe the painter's emotions come through instead. Maybe it's a combination. Can a photographer project her emotion on her subject too, through an artificial lens ?

I remember times through the years watching parents take photos of their kids, at odd moments when the child is sad or crying and the parents insist on having him smile for the camera. I always wonder what they will they remember about that moment, the picture showing the giant smile? Or the weeping that came just before it?

Perhaps the best interpretation in Art- whether it be a painting, drawing, photograph, sculpture or any other mixed media piece, is the one that somehow manages to capture all the feelings, the mixture that one brings to life, the happiness and the tension.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Studio Time

The year is coming to an end -
time to reflect on all the time
spent in the studio--
painting, drawing, sculpting &
creating art. We've talked about famous
artists, about cave painters and
contemporary painters. We've had
cool field trips too.

As these kids grow up,
so will their art - becoming more sophisticated
in their experiences both in my
studio and out in the world.....

Go and enjoy the summer, learn about life and interrupt it in your own
unique way and when you return to my studio, you will have more
opportunities to express the things that you need to, the things that you did
the things that you enjoyed- (or didn't !)
I am looking forward to it.
with love to you all.....xx

sculpture dogs

there is a certain magic between kids and dogs.
we decided that the
sole purpose of a dog is to give love.
and to receive it. what a simple life.
the expression though that i find in these
faces seem more the image
of the child projected in the dog. love & need.
check it out....

plastic sculpture

An idea is a point of departure and no more.
As soon as you elaborate it,
it becomes transformed by thought.
Pablo Picasso

Sunday, April 24, 2011

a trip to the getty

A great artist is always
before his time
or behind it.
George Edward Moore

The mind which plunges into Surrealism,
relives with burning excitement the
best part of childhood. - Andre

kids began a study
of surrealism just when
the Japan earthquake
hit, it was uncanny to see
the images on TV - houses
in oceans, roads broken up,
cars piled on cars - surreal.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

mosaics & shadow

At moments of great enthusiasm
it seems to me that no one in the
world has ever made something
this beautiful and important.
::: M.C. Escher :::

Monday, February 14, 2011

LOVE day

A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
A song is no song 'til you sing it,
And love in your heart
Wasn’t put there to stay -
Love isn’t love
'Til you give it away.
--Oscar Hammerstein
The Sound of Music - (thanks Risa!)

February has already been a difficult month for me - i lost a close relative and then I lost my dog that I raised for 15 years....the loss is great
...the sadness greater. The wonder of Life and Afterlife constant.

Today is Valentines Day - a day devoted to Love - "there are all kinds of Love" I tell my kids all the time as they try to differentiate the Loves they feel...certainly there are many ways to Love, and to express Love. To express Feelings. Sometimes we
have to close our eyes to see more clearly....

Red is the color of Love and also of Anger; or Hate. Does
Love = Hate? Perhaps. Kids use the words Love and Hate so often and so interchangeably...

Today we painted with Roses and with the color Red...emotional and beautiful
results. I Loved them....