Sunday, March 7, 2010


"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see" - Degas

My Thursday kids started their Junk sculptures; and in deciding what objects to use and how to arrange them, they each had very different ideas about what they wanted to achieve with it. Brittney was all about the story and very concerned about the narrative. Ely was determined to construct a very tall tower. The basic instructions were the same, but it was obvious that each child was hearing it very differently. The best thing about Art is that that is what makes it awesome, the 'product' reflects the individuality of the artist, and conveys something unique which is then left up to the viewer to figure out and interpret....
(so watch out for all that art that comes home from school looking the same as the next kids...or the teachers :)

1 comment:

  1. Great way to nurture the budding imagination;
    optimistic about the future of our preservation of the arts and cultural developement;
